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  • Thank you for making private school possible for me and my family!!!

    Nikkie King

  • It would be hard to overestimate how much our sons, Zachary and Joel Harper, have benefited from the good work of APSTO. Tax credit donations funded the great majority of their first-rate education at Paradise Valley Christian Preparatory, and this profound blessing will follow them throughout their lives. They now attend Baylor University and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and have secured over $250,000 in combined scholarships. Their enrollment and educational experience at PVCP, and current and future success would not have been possible without the support and funds gained through APSTO. Our family is forever grateful!

    Jennifer Harper

  • I would like to personally thank the Arizona Private School Tuition Organization (APSTO). Through this program, my daughter Charley, is receiving a Christ - centered, highly academic education at Christ Lutheran Phoenix School. APSTO has provided me the tools to educate other parents how to utilize AZ tax credits for tuition.

    Sadie Fisher

  • APSTO is having a truly profound impact on our family. We have three children attending Paradise Valley Christian Preparatory and have had a significant portion of the tuition covered through the tax credit program. The efforts of the APSTO team have given us the freedom to choose confidently for our children, and we see the fruits of that investment daily. Our children are flourishing in small classes with incredible teachers. They receive individualized attention in an academically rigorous program taught with a distinctly Gospel-centered worldview. We couldn't be more thankful that APSTO has blessed our family with the ability to send our kids to a private Christian school. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

    The Shaw Family

  • Thank you APSTO for giving me the tools to educate others about using the Arizona tax credit program for tuition. My older sons John and Thomas are recieving a Christ centered and highly academic edcuation at Notre Dame Preparatory High School. I work in Heathcare and have been financially impacted by the COVID 19 pandemic. My salary was reducted by 7% for the remainder of the year, and I was furloughed for 2 weeks. Opportunity for extra hours and 401K was also reduced. This is a significant negative financial impact, but we are hopeful that we can remain on the same path. This will be much easier with the support of the APSTO. Thank you for considering our family for this opportunity.

    Christina Karolzak

  • We are extremely grateful forthe generous help that APSTO has provided our family. They have made our private school desires possible. Our children feel they are part of a community that shares our household values and faith. It is comforting to know that when our children leave our home in the morning, they are sharing their day with students, teachers and faculty that reinforce our beliefs. Dorina and Karen have assisted us and made themselves available throughout the entire process. We are truly indebted to both of them.

    Tony and Nicole

  • When I first visited PVCP, two years ago, I had no idea how I could afford private school. What I knew was that Teagan would flourish there, it would give her stability, and a strong faith that would permeate every area of her life. The school administrators told me to sign up for tax credit organizations and to speak with Karen. When I spoke with her and after sharing my situation she said that is where you need to be and God will work it out. You breathe, knowing she is in a wonderful school, and it will work out, we will work with you! I am happy to report that it has worked out. My daughter loves attending PVCP. She is growing into a leader who puts God first. When she is working on changing a behavior and it is not going well, she stops and prays and asks Holy Spirit to help her. If someone has an injury no matter how minor she prays for it to be healed in the natural. These are just a couple examples and we are so blessed to have such a wonderful school run by godly people. Thank you for helping us so we could be at PVCP!!

    Cassandra Holmes

  • Thank you APSTO for helping our family afford the opportunity to send our kids to Paradise Valley Christian Preparatory! We are so blessed to have Matthew and Charlotte receive the Christ centered, highly academic education that PVCP provides. APSTO has been instrumental in the partnership to nurture our children in a Christ like way. Thank you!

    Tom White

  • We are so grateful that Leah and Julian have been able to attend Paradise Valley Christian Preparatory with the assistance of the Arizona Private School Tax Credit law. Because of family and friends who've responded to the Arizona's tax credit provisions, Leah and Julian are receiving a challenging and excellent edcuation that is also values-oriented and biblically based. Now that they are in high school we want to give them all the tools to be in an academically advantaged setting, all the while being in a Christ minded and centered school. Our family has seen first handedly the benefits of what a Christian school can be in our children's lives and edcuation, especially maintaining and upholding our Christian home values. The scholarship awards through APSTO has been instrumental in making thier attendance at PVCP happen. We are thankful to PVCP, APSTO and that Arizona is a state with this provision.

    The Soler Family

  • APSTO has been pivotal in allowing me to keep my children in their school, Paradise Valley Christian Preparatory. The education they receive in their private school matches with our values and allows them to excel in the smaller class sizes. Without APSTO we would not be able to keep our children in this school. We are so thankful for the ability to send our children to a school that has the best learning environment for their needs.

    Andrea Panico-Browne

  • We are so thankful for APSTO and the generous donations given to help our family afford a Biblical Education for our kids. In 2019, we took a leap of Faith and decided to move our kids to Dream City Christian School. We were excited about the opportunity to put our kids in a Christian environment for their education, little did we know that our youngest daughter would be rushed to the hospital only 2 weeks after school started. Our daughter was diagnosed with leukemia and spent many months in the hospital. It was such a blessing to have the support from APSTO and our school community. We are incredibly grateful for the donations that help us to provide a Christian edcuation for our kids.

    The Zastrow Family

  • We wanted to personally say a loud "THANK YOU!" to APSTO for helping our family afford the opportunity to send our kids to Northwest Christian School! We are so blessed to have Reagan and Micah receive the Christ centered, highly adcademic education that NCS provides. APSTO has been instrumental in the partnership to nurture our children in a Christ like way. The Biblical foundation and quality of education that Reagan and Micah have been given at NCS through the help of APSTO will serve them throughout their whole life. We are so very grateful for this, thank you!

    Zach and Jenna Hope

  • Thank you APSTO for your hard work connecting Arizona businesses with our community. Becuase of your partnerships with business leaders, my student was the recipient of an APSTO scholarship. This year especially, times are touch for families, and parents are having to make difficult decisions impacting thier students' education. With APSTO's hard work, parents are able to choose a well-rounded Christian education bringing them hope for a better future for thier children. Thank you again for blessing us!


  • Thank you APSTO for being such a huge blessing to our family. Helping us to afford the opportunity to send ouir kids to Paradise Valley Christian Preparatory! We are extremely grateful EnnDean and Aydon are able to receive a Christ centered education at PVCP. APSTO has been instrumental in this partnership to nurture our children in a Christ like way.

    Anthony and Angelita Eaves