When I first visited PVCP, two years ago, I had no idea how I could afford private school. What I knew was that Teagan would flourish there, it would give her stability, and a strong faith that would permeate every area of her life.
The school administrators told me to sign up for tax credit organizations and to speak with Karen. When I spoke with her and after sharing my situation she said that is where you need to be and God will work it out. You breathe, knowing she is in a wonderful school, and it will work out, we will work with you!
I am happy to report that it has worked out. My daughter loves attending PVCP. She is growing into a leader who puts God first. When she is working on changing a behavior and it is not going well, she stops and prays and asks Holy Spirit to help her. If someone has an injury no matter how minor she prays for it to be healed in the natural. These are just a couple examples and we are so blessed to have such a wonderful school run by godly people.
Thank you for helping us so we could be at PVCP!!
Cassandra Holmes