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Partner with Us

Our Philosophy

Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future


Children are our most valuable resource and "our" future. It's why we are passionate in our belief every child has an equal opportunity to reach their highest potential. A private education at a school that best serves a child's unique needs should not be out of reach or have financial barriers. Every year, financial hardship stands in the way of a quality education for many deserving children. APSTO wants to change this. We hope for a future where no family will “wish” they could afford educational choice. One of our founding principles is to bring more awareness to our community about the benefits and impact the Arizona Tax Credit Program can have on our future, and the future of our children. 

APSTO's mission is simple, to educate, serve, and support. We strive to make participation in this program easy and straightforward by partnering with you, whether you are a donor, a family, or a school. We are committed to taking the time to simplify the process and provide you with all the necessary tools and resources to be successful. We sincerely welcome your partnership in this most worthwhile mission.

Questions? Call 480-256-1001 or email info@APSTO.org