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Charitable Giving

Charitable Giving

Charitable and Out of State Giving

As a taxpayer there is a financial incentive to give generously to charity. When you donate to a certified nonprofit 501(c)(3) like Arizona Private School Tuition Organization (APSTO), you can treat your donation as a charitable deduction for income tax purposes. This way you can reduce your tax bill and improve the world while you’re at it.

APSTO awards much needed scholarships to children in grades K-12 attending qualified private schools in the state of Arizona. Any giving above and beyond the allowed state tax credit maximums can still be treated as a charitable deduction. In addition, donations made by taxpayers who either live out of state or have no Arizona tax liability also fall under this category.

If you'd like to recommend your donation benefit a specific child(ren) or school(s) there is a section on the donation form for you to do this. We will honor this recommendation(s). APSTO is not under the same regulations and guidelines provided by the state for this kind of donation.

Charitable giving is reflected in a special section on our donation receipt. See sample donation receipt. To take a tax deduction for a charitable contribution you will need to file an itemized deduction Form Schedule A. For more information about claiming your APSTO donation as a charitable gift, we encourage you to speak to your tax advisor.  Make a Charitable Donation

Questions? Call 480-256-1001 or email info@APSTO.org

While APSTO deals with the Arizona Private School Tuition Tax Credit Program every day, we are not tax advisors. This is intended to help guide you but not intended to replace official tax advice. If you have questions regarding your tax situation, it is always best to consult with a tax professional.